
Remix Culture: Multiculturally Influenced, Influencing Culture

October 28, 2020 Author: Mario X. Carrasco

Multicultural audiences are significantly driving mainstream identity and influencing emerging trends. According to UM’s Annual Cultural Dimension study, two out of five general population consumers indicate being influenced by Latino, Black, and Asian segments when it comes to passion points like music, fashion, hair care, food, sports, and more. 

As consumer behavior shifts in response to cultural identity and increased exposure to cultural norms via the internet and social media, brands work overtime to cultivate relationships steeped in the remix culture, which is primarily defined by a mindset, not the consumer. This paradigm shift is changing the fabric of what we know today as American culture. 

This week, Oscar Allain, VP, Group Partner, Cross-Cultural Strategy & Research at UM Worldwide, joins the New Mainstream podcast to discuss the growing influence of remix culture and the action steps brands must take to stay relevant among a changing demographic. 
