
IDEAS AMAI 2022: Camaraderie and Collaboration

November 29, 2022 Author:

This October, ThinkNow sponsored IDEAS AMAI 2022, one of the largest conferences for the insights industry, particularly for LATAM market research. The Mexican Association of Market Intelligence and Opinion Agencies (AMAI) works to maintain data quality and transparency in market research in Mexico. The event marked AMAI's 30th anniversary, and the mood was festive.

The format of this year's event was different from previous years as it focused on small group sessions led by industry insiders who shared insights from their careers. The objective was not to sell or argue about the best research method but to listen to and learn from speakers and colleagues.

Here are a few takeaways from some of the sessions.

  • Andrés Polo, Director of Marketing Service, TV Aztec – advised that research agencies cannot always address end clients' challenges. Polo encouraged researchers to evolve with clients, making methodologies more flexible and adapting to the daily challenges that companies face.
  • Jorge Alagón, Global Head of Data Science Innovations, Kantar – cautioned attendees not to fall in love with an idea. Alagón asserted that there is a great distance between the product researchers envision and what is required. Engaging the client at each level of product development helps ensure product fit and customization.
  • Claudia Sciarreta, Global Insights Director, Pepsico – discussed the importance of understanding client crises points and providing solutions tailored to individual needs, a lesson she learned while working for a research agency.
  • Alain Mizrahi, CEO, Radar Group – challenged attendees to own their stories. People share their successes and achievements on LinkedIn, for example, but rarely share their challenges and failures. He pointed out that most of us learn from failure and develop patience and resilience through these times.
  • Omar Estrada, CEO, Evidens – revealed that for Evidens, resilience meant pivoting the company's business model. With rising office rent, Evidens became a nomadic team, working remotely and traveling together frequently to get inspired and break the routine. Since the company introduced a new work culture, it has received hundreds of job applications from "work from anywhere" job seekers.
  • Gabriela de la Riva, President, De la Riva Group – described the eight years she spent studying Mexican consumer behavior and how brands can use those insights to appeal to and engage them better, as outlined in her books La X de México and México Rifado.

There was a sense of camaraderie and collaboration at AMAI 2022. Researchers gathered to share experiences and learn from some of the best in the field. Access to such diverse perspectives helps broaden our vision of the industry, the companies we represent, and the clients we serve.