
Hispanic Mobile Trends 2014

  • Android is easily the most popular mobile phone operating system among Hispanic consumers. Apple ranks second.
  • The types of applications used by Hispanics and Non-Hispanics are quite similar, with games and social networks being the most common.
  • Hispanics and Non-Hispanics alike feel that advertisements that are received on cell phones are annoying. However, a significant number would be willing to put up with those ads for lower payments and/or free services.
Report Abstract
In our 2014 Hispanic Mobile Trends Study, we set out to answer that question. Download our complete findings right now:
  • Learn about the most popular activities U.S. Hispanics engage into using their mobile phones.
  • Find out how social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are used.
  • Compare mobile phone trends of U.S. Hispanics against that of the general population.
  • And much more...