
ThinkNow Hispanic Soccer Fan Study 2018

  • UnderstandtheHispanicopportunitysurroundingtheWorldCupbyseekinginsightforkeyareasof engagement & platform usage.
  • Gatherinformationarounddigital&mobileusagespecifically.
  • GrowtheknowledgebasearounddigitalviewinghabitsforU.S.Hispanicsandspecificallyhowtheywillbe viewing the World Cup this coming year.
Report Abstract

Our national consumer study of soccer fans reveals how Hispanics engage with soccer on social media and how they plan to follow and cultivate the World Cup experience. Download the study to better understand this enthusiastic fan base, how they will engage the World Cup, and how receptive they are to social media advertising. The study contents include the following:

  • A significantly larger proportion of Hispanics than non-Hispanics consider themselves soccer fans
  • Soccer seems to transcend language barriers among Hispanics
  • Hispanics are significantly more engaged with soccer related activities
  • Hispanics over-index in the use of computers and mobile devices when following soccer
  • and more...