
From Insights to Impact: How Market Research Shapes Brand Value

Market research equips brands with the tools to understand their target audience and, ultimately, shape a more effective brand strategy. Through qualitative research, such as focus groups, marketers gain deep insights into customer motivations, preferences and behaviors. Quantitative research, like surveys completed by online panels, provides data points on demographics, consumer attitudes and market trends.

After compiling the data, the next step is to translate those insights into messaging showcasing the brand’s value in the marketplace. Let’s look at how to do that using core market research methodologies.

Core Market Research Methodologies

While artificial intelligence is transforming the market research industry, fundamental methodologies continue to play a crucial role in gathering qualitative and quantitative data used to better understand consumer behavior. Traditional research methods provide valuable insights that drive brand value that cannot be solely derived from AI algorithms.

  • Online Surveys:  A cost-effective method for gathering data from a large, geographically diverse audience. Surveys are ideal for gauging general sentiment, brand awareness and basic customer preferences. By quantifying consumer trends, brands can identify broad patterns to aid in strategic decisions that drive brand value.
  • Focus Groups: Intimate in-person or virtual group discussions led by a trained moderator to gauge observative insights, such as emotional reactions to specific products or concepts, or to gather nuanced perspectives. This method uncovers deeper emotional responses, helping to tailor brand messaging and product features that resonate emotionally with the target audience.
  • In-Depth Interviews: One-on-one interviews allow a deep dive into customer experiences. These interviews are ideal for exploring complex decision-making or gathering detailed feedback on product prototypes that can later inform product development and customer service strategies.
  • Social Media Listening: Analyzing online conversations and brand mentions on social media platforms reveals real-time customer sentiment and emerging trends. These insights help marketers understand how the target audience perceives the brand organically, allowing for timely adjustments to marketing strategies and engagement efforts.

Data Bridges the Gap

Regardless of the method employed, market research is essential for understanding and building relationships with your target audience. Through research, brands can identify market needs and respond by launching products and services that effectively meet these demands. This deep understanding enables brands to create more relevant offerings, enhance customer satisfaction and foster loyalty—key factors that significantly impact brand value.

By consistently aligning with consumer expectations and preferences, brands strengthen their competitive position and enhance their perceived value in the marketplace. This alignment leads to the potential for increased revenue and profitability and a greater likelihood of sustained brand longevity.

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The Resurgence of Intolerance: The LGBTQ+ Community Speaks Out on Current Challenges

The past two years have been difficult for the LGBTQ+ community. Despite years of progress, a disturbing resurgence of intolerance threatens to undermine the hard-earned gains toward social acceptance. As part of our commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion, ThinkNow surveyed a nationally representative sample of LGBTQ+ Americans on their views of the current social climate, corporate support for LGBTQ+ causes, personal pronouns, and mental health care. Below are a few noteworthy findings from the study.

Download the full results of the quantitative survey here.

Discrimination Is On The Rise

We asked our sample of 500 LGBTQ+ Americans if they felt that discrimination or prejudice towards the LGBTQ+ community had increased over the past year, and 67% said "yes." This perception appears to be rooted in reality. A recent Gallup Poll found that support for same-sex relations in the U.S. dropped from 71% in 2022 to 64% in 2023. That drop is likely driven by a loss of support among Republicans, dropping from 56% last year to 41% currently. A possible explanation for this drop is the rhetoric surrounding the 2022 "Don’t Say Gay” law in Florida that portrayed education about sexual identity as “grooming” children to adopt gay lifestyles. While politicians appear to be driving the current wave of anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric, only 29% of our respondents said they “only vote for candidates who support LBGTQ+ rights.” For most (58%), a candidate’s position on LGBTQ+ rights is just one of many key factors when voting.

Corporate Support For LGBTQ+ Community Matters

Although recent controversies have surrounded Bud Light and Target's support for the LGBTQ+ community and their subsequent pullback of that support, LGBTQ+ consumers still believe companies should advocate for their causes. In fact, Target and Bud Light were two brands that respondents felt were doing a good job supporting the LGBTQ+ community.

However, using advertising to show support is not the only way respondents want brands to engage. Sixty-five percent want companies to train their employees in diversity, equity and inclusion, while 59% want companies to include sexual orientation in corporate nondiscrimination policies.

Personal Pronouns Are Age Sensitive

Thirteen percent of our sample used a pronoun other than “he/she.” The most common non-binary pronoun (18%) was “they/them.” Age was the primary factor that determined how important it was for respondents that people use their correct pronouns. Seventy-three percent of respondents between the ages of 18-22 stated that it was at least moderately important to them that people use their correct pronouns vs. 25% of those aged 55+.

Less Than Half Support Boycotts

While conservatives are boycotting Bud Light, Target, Kohl’s and even Chik-fil-A for supporting diversity, equity and inclusion ideals, the LGBTQ+ community is split on boycotts, with 43% saying they’ve boycotted a company because of their stance on LGBTQ+ issues. Interestingly, 59% of respondents in the 55+ age bracket say they’ve boycotted a company for their stance on LBGTQ+ issues, while only 34% of 18–22-year-olds have boycotted for that reason. Income also seems to be a factor, with 52% of those earning $80K or more supporting boycotts vs. 34% of those earning less than $35K a year.

Mental Health Support Needed Young LGBTQ+

Forty-two percent of LGBTQ+ youth—and 52 percent of trans youth—said they seriously considered suicide in 2021.” One thing that a vast majority of our LGBTQ+ survey respondents (76%) agreed on was the need to “create safe, accepting, and supportive environments for LGBTQ+ youth on school campuses” to support mental health among young people. Most respondents also supported DEI initiatives, connecting youth with supportive peers and providing gender-affirming mental health care.

Moving Forward

The past two years have presented significant challenges for the LGBTQ+ community, with a noticeable increase in discrimination and prejudice. Despite this setback, our survey highlights the unwavering belief among LGBTQ+ Americans that corporate support for their cause is crucial. The controversies surrounding brands like Bud Light and Target have not diminished the community's expectation that companies should actively advocate for LGBTQ+ rights.

However, it is important to note that supportive advertising alone falls short. Respondents want companies to go beyond that by providing employee training in diversity, equity, and inclusion and including sexual orientation in corporate nondiscrimination policies. Lastly, the survey underscores the urgent need for mental health support for young LGBTQ+ individuals.

Overall, the findings highlight the persistent challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community and emphasize the role that acceptance, advocacy and allyship play in fostering their well-being and advancement.

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Can Survey Data Save Digital Marketers In A Post-Cookie World?

Many digital marketers have yet to come to grips with what advertising in a post-cookie world will look like. The entire programmatic ecosystem is undergoing a seismic shift as Google plans to phase out third-party cookies in Chrome by 2023 in response to growing privacy concerns. But Google isn't alone. Apple has doubled down on its privacy efforts, blocking cookies in Safari and essentially handing Facebook advertisers their walking papers as it empowers users to opt out of ad tracking. (more…)

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