
How Inclusive Design is Impacting the Future of Work

Younger generations of workers have fully embraced the "work from anywhere" concept, prompting employers to rethink conventional methods. With the rise of remote and hybrid work models, flexible and adaptive workspaces have become more critical than ever. The pandemic accelerated the shift towards more distributed teams, and organizations are now adjusting their real estate strategies to support this new reality. Inclusive design plays a crucial role in creating environments that foster collaboration, productivity and a sense of belonging, whether employees work from home, in the office or in a hybrid setup.

Inclusive design, which extends beyond the traditional idea of universal design, emphasizes the importance of involving a diverse group of people in the design process to create solutions that cater to a broad range of needs and experiences. This approach is not only about accommodating physical differences but also considering the varied socio-economic backgrounds, gender identities and other factors that influence how individuals interact with their environments.

By creating spaces that cater to diverse needs, companies can enhance employee well-being, foster psychological safety and increase productivity. Doing so is socially responsible and makes good business sense, as it helps attract and retain top talent in a competitive labor market.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Ryan Anderson, Vice President of Global Research and Insights at MillerKnoll, shares insights into the practical applications of inclusive design and its role in shaping the future workplace.

About Ryan Anderson:

Ryan Anderson serves as Vice President of Global Research and Insights at MillerKnoll. His team leads MillerKnoll’s research, shares insights publicly across the world, and provides workplace strategy and application design services to MillerKnoll customers. With thirty years of industry experience, Ryan’s work has centered on how the places we inhabit can be better designed to support healthy, inclusive, and productive communities. Ryan hosts MillerKnoll’s About Place podcast on the future of the workplace and regularly speaks at public events about MillerKnoll’s historical and current research. Ryan is a contributor to Forbes, and has been featured in a wide variety of additional publications such as The Wall Street Journal, NPR, the BBC, Fortune, Bloomberg, and beyond.

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DEI: The Secret to Building High-Performing Inclusive Workplaces

Consumers are demanding more from brands when it comes to diversity, equity and inclusion. They are tired of the social polarization surrounding DEI and how these concepts are exploited to foster division and isolation. They support brands committed to creating a culture of respect and understanding where everyone feels valued, seen and heard in the workplace and the marketplace.

But too often, DEI initiatives in organizations go no further than high-level training and one-off workshops. DEI is more than bias training, however. It's about embedding DEI into all aspects of the organization, from hiring and promotion to product development and marketing.

Brands demonstrating their commitment to DEI will resonate with consumers, especially multicultural segments and younger generations. These consumers are increasingly looking to support brands that align with their values, and DEI has become one of their core values. Studies show that African American and Hispanic respondents, for example, are the most likely to support a company that makes a public commitment to diversity and inclusion initiatives. They do this by sharing support on social media, spending more money at stores, and going out of their way to shop in specific stores.

Removing limiting factors like bias and stereotype threat from organizational culture liberates employees to perform at their best, resulting in increased productivity, improved work outputs, and higher revenues.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Maria Morukian, CEO of MSM Global Consulting, discusses how to build high-performing, inclusive workplaces that better serve employees and consumers.

Meet Our Guest:  Maria Morukian

For more than 18 years, Maria has devoted herself to consulting, training and coaching leaders and organizations to facilitate culture change, with a specialization in diversity, equity, inclusion, intercultural competence, and innovation.

Maria’s passion lies in building bridges across identity differences, facilitating dialogue and coaching individuals to reflect on their individual cultural lenses that impact their beliefs and behaviors. She is sought after for her ability to connect on an individual level, as well as guide systemic change initiatives with measurable results.

Maria has partnered with a broad range of clients, including American University, the Association for Animal Welfare Advancement, National Institutes of Health, PBS Distribution, U.S. Department of State, and the World Bank. She has worked with leaders around the world, including Colombia, India, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Lebanon, Mexico, Thailand, and Tunisia.

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Rethinking Inclusivity: Transforming Vacation Experiences for Families with Special Needs

July is the most popular month for summer vacations. In fact, the busiest travel day of the year usually falls on a Friday in July. Navigating a vacation during these times can be difficult. Navigating a vacation with a child with special needs can be a daunting task. A recent experience at a family resort with my special needs son got me thinking that we've come a long way since the Americans with Disabilities Act passed (July 26th, 1990) in terms of wheelchair ramps and accessible rooms. However, there are still major gaps in services to meet the needs of the disabilities community.

ThinkNow regularly asks Americans with disabilities to share their personal experiences as part of our consumer research, so to mark Disability Pride Month, I'd like to share my personal experience on a recent vacation in the hopes that it will add to the conversation and help bring about positive change.

Challenges with Childcare Options for Special Needs

During our vacation, we learned that the resort offered a kids' play park where parents could drop off children between the ages of 4 and 11. However, the facility required children to be potty trained, which immediately excluded our non-verbal special needs son who cannot use the toilet independently. It was disheartening to realize that even in a seemingly inclusive environment, our child was left out of an activity others could enjoy.

As an alternative, the resort mentioned providing babysitting services. However, we discovered that the babysitters would not change diapers either. The arrangement involved having a stranger come to our hotel room to watch the children, which felt unsettling and raised concerns about their safety. Considering our child's non-verbal communication and unique needs, this option was impractical and imprudent.

In both instances, we encountered policies and limitations that may work for "typical" families but failed to accommodate families facing more complex situations. We were left to "figure it out" on our own, trying to find alternative solutions to ensure our child's safety and inclusion. This reality made us keenly aware of the lack of thought and consideration given to families like ours who simply want to enjoy a vacation without constant hurdles.

Ramps Aren't Enough

While many public parks now have ADA-compliant play equipment, this isn't always the case at resorts that cater to families with children. Children with disabilities may sit to the side as other kids use water slides and game areas that aren't set up to accommodate them. Another challenge is the noise and activity at resorts which can overwhelm some children with disabilities. For example, the pool areas that cater to families are often crowded and noisy. Many kids with special needs can become agitated and stressed out in this environment. Some resorts offer quieter adults-only pools, but those do not feel welcoming, so pool time will likely be cut short.

While I understand that not every resort can cater to the needs of children like mine, one would hope that as the travel and hospitality industry designs new properties, they would consider that accessibility is more than ramps and door widths. The goal is to use the same facilities that abled individuals do.

Promoting Inclusivity

Vacation resorts have the opportunity to create genuinely inclusive environments by considering the diverse needs of families with disabled children. Here are a few suggestions to make vacation experiences more inviting for families like mine:

  1. Accessibility Beyond Basics: Go beyond the basic accessibility requirements and prioritize creating spaces and facilities that cater to a wide range of abilities, including sensory-friendly areas and properly equipped changing facilities.
  2. Trained and Compassionate Staff: Offer comprehensive training to resort staff on the unique needs of disabled individuals and their families. Equipping staff members with essential skills and resources ensures the safety and well-being of those entrusted to their care. This not only brings peace of mind to families but also empowers the employees themselves.
  3. Customized Childcare Options: While I understand that it may not be possible to have staff to accommodate every family's needs, a concierge service that makes special caretakers available if reserved in advance would be helpful, as well as having a special needs coordinator on staff to help families make the most of their stay.

Moving Forward

While vacation resorts have made strides in improving accessibility, there is room for improvement. There is a general expectation for families with special needs to conform to existing structures, rather than experience a sincere sense of welcome and accommodation. I hope the hospitality industry prioritizes creating inclusive environments moving forward by offering facilities for diverse disabilities, training compassionate staff, and developing customized childcare options. When resorts go beyond just focusing on physical infrastructure and take into account the unique challenges we face, they have the power to create vacation experiences that are inclusive and enjoyable for all families, regardless of their circumstances.

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